Comprehensive Clinical Training
The Clinical Psychology Internship is APA accredited and is sponsored by CAMC. West Virginia University Charleston Campus is an affiliate educational partner. The program offers an in-depth training experience in clinical and health psychology services. With emphases on support and flexibility, our objective is to refine interns' clinical and scholarly skills so that they are prepared for work in a variety of settings.
Dear Intern Applicant,
Welcome to the Charleston Area Medical Center (CAMC) Predoctoral Internship in Clinical Psychology. This internship is a CAMC graduate medical education residency. Our program offers an in-depth training experience in clinical and health psychology services at a large university-affiliated community medical center (CAMC). With emphasis on support and flexibility, our objective is to refine interns' clinical and scholarly skills so that they are prepared for work in a variety of settings. We utilize a comprehensive approach to training to include clinical training, scholarly work/research and didactic experiences.
We offer two tracks:
- Health Service Psychology (4 positions; APPIC Code #163711)
- Child Clinical Psychology Specialty Track (2 positions; APPIC Code #163711)
Our program is accredited by the American Psychological Association. Questions related to the program's accredited status should be directed to the Commission on Accreditation:
Office of Program Consultation and Accreditation
American Psychological Association
750 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002
Phone: 202-336-5979 / Email:
The internship runs from July to July, consistent with all other CAMC medical residencies. We have four fully-funded health service psychology internship slots and two fully-funded Child Clinical Psychology Specialty Track slots. The stipend is $39,128.00 and currently each intern is provided additional funds by the Graduate Medical Education Office at CAMC to use for pre-approved expenses such as travel to professional conferences. Along with sick days and holidays, interns have three weeks of paid vacation and days permitted to attend conferences. "Vacation" here means lying on a beach, not defending a dissertation or attending meetings.
Our program participates in the AAPI online application process.
Doctoral Psychology Internship Program: Brochure
Child Clinical Psychology Specialty Track: Brochure
Diversity and Inclusion
CAMC strives to maintain a diverse and inclusive environment in which to learn, to work and to heal. In doing so, CAMC does not discriminate, nor tolerate discrimination, based on race, color, age, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity, disability or veteran status.
The internship program is committed to expanding psychology training opportunities consistent with APA's equity, diversity, inclusion and accessibility goals and racial equity action plan. To that end, our program has engaged in thoughtful revision of our internship applicant recruitment process to enhance diversity.
An explicit focus on diversity is infused in all clinical interactions, on the part of the clinician as well as the supervisor. Our duty as psychologists is to recognize and attend responsively to systemic, implicit and explicit bias. All intern lectures and supervision should incorporate issues of diversity and culture. We have a diversity/cultural humility/healthcare disparities seminar quarterly, presented by interns, faculty and guest speakers. Topics are monitored by Dr. Luzier and the Residency Coordinator. Interns present one Grand Rounds presentation on a topic of their choice relating to diversity and cultural humility and healthcare disparities.
Orientation and review of expectations for this presentation will be reviewed by Dr. Luzier in early July of the internship year. Interns coordinate scheduling and topic choice with Dr. Luzier, in concert with other faculty mentors. Interns are expected to review their presentations ahead of time with a psychology faculty member to better understand how to discuss sensitive topics in an academic health center setting. Our expectation for the presentation is an explicit focus on diversity and healthcare disparities as the primary goal. Presentation topics may include issues of privilege, research on stigma in healthcare and other settings, differential access to care, case examples of stigma and exclusion, etc.
Community and Culture
Recreational activities are plentiful with white water rafting, snow skiing, mountain biking, fishing, hunting, and camping for outdoor enthusiasts, not to mention several golf courses, tennis facilities, professional baseball, and a new ice skating facility. Cultural opportunities in Charleston include the WV State Symphony, Mountain Stage, local theatre, and national touring performances. Many of these are housed in The Clay Center for the Arts and Sciences, across the street from CAMC General Hospital.
CAMC's program and the city of Charleston offer a perfect balance of academic excellence and recreational activities. Visit with us and explore the exciting possibilities waiting for you in wild and wonderful West Virginia.
Salary and Benefits
CAMC offers a comprehensive salary and benefit package for residents and fellows.
Explore Charleston and West Virginia
Charleston is a small city with a metropolitan culture, and is close to some of the best outdoor recreation in the country.