Our Department

Welcome to the Department of Internal Medicine!

We are proud of our highly trained, skilled specialists who provide care in a variety of disciplines and devote a significant effort to teaching. From residents and students to fellows alike, we are committed to providing a diverse educational experience with an abundance plethora of opportunities for learners. We are the only tertiary care medical center for a catchment of nearly one million people which stretches outward from West Virginia: north into Ohio, west into Kentucky, south into Virginia and east halfway across the state. This provides internists and specialists with a broad exposure to general medicine resulting in a learning environment bolstered by dedicated and accessible faculty who challenge and support our learners. Our hospital system's unique and ever-changing medical landscape makes for an exciting arena to improve your educational processes, clinical care and research opportunities. 


Mission Statement

Our mission at CAMC Internal Medicine Department is to train a diverse group of physicians through robust clinical and educational experiences, providing them with the tools to be great physicians, patient advocates, researchers and role models in the health care community. Our graduates will be excellent in providing evidence-based medical care for patients of all needs, especially in southern WV, in accordance with CAMC's mission to "be the best place to receive patient-centered care and best place to learn." 


Chairman's Welcome Message

James Campbell, MD FACP
James Campbell, MD FACP

It is my honor to welcome you to the Department of Internal Medicine at CAMC Institute for Academic Medicine. My IM residency training and entire professional career have been at CAMC, which has spanned almost two decades. Throughout this time, I have seen CAMC both support and expand its focus on its academic mission. CAMC’s dedication and commitment are evident in its creation of the Institute for Academic Medicine, which is focused on medical education across multiple disciplines. The program has continued to meet every academic need that an IM resident requires to excel in their training.  

CAMC's Internal Medicine programs offer an abundance of every essential requirement for your IM training. Here, you will have a great learning opportunity with an extraordinary variety of cases, superb, dedicated physician teachers, a collegial, supportive learning environment and great opportunities to grow your skills. My experiences in practice and academic medicine allow me to assure you that if you partake in educational experiences during your residency with diligence and dedication, you will be ready for anything — fellowship, hospitalist or ambulatory practice. I received great training here and continue to learn new things decades later!

The department is growing rapidly, with multiple fellowships, more medical students and new robust and diverse faculty in many areas. The hospital's infrastructure and educational facilities continue to grow, with a new, state-of-the-art Simulation Center for Learning and Research currently under construction on the CAMC Memorial Hospital campus. This ensures that our residents and fellows' educational and research missions are fulfilled. 

You will find many programs that offer outstanding clinical training, but what sets our program apart is the culture within our program and community. There is a strong sense of family within our department, and our program's passion is making sure every resident and fellow has the well-being and peace to focus on education. Our goal is to have a clinical learning environment that is not only focused on patient-centered care but also resident education across the institution.

I encourage you to explore our website and resources to learn more about our program and missions. On behalf of the Department of Internal Medicine, I welcome your interest in our training programs. 

Training Programs in Internal Medicine

CAMC is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) as a sponsoring institution of graduate medical education residency and fellowship programs. The Internal Medicine program is sponsored by CAMC. The institute collaborates with West Virginia University Charleston Division, an affiliate education partner.

Learn more about the Internal Medicine Residency

Learn more about the Critical Care Medicine Fellowship

Research in Internal Medicine

CAMC and the Department of Internal Medicine are committed to providing the necessary support for all of our learners' research needs. Whether your focus is in case presentation or original research, we have the tools in place to assist you through your project.

Learn more about Research at CAMC

Contact Us

Internal Medicine Residency Program Contact:

Katie Scott, C-TAGME
Senior Residency Program Specialist
Internal Medicine Residency Program
3110 MacCorkle Ave. S.E. Charleston, WV 25304
Phone: (304) 351-2869
Fax: (304) 388-9938
Contact Katie

Critical Care Fellowship Program Contact:

Cindy Hanna, MBA, C-TAGME
Senior Residency Program Specialist
Pulmonary Critical Care Fellowship
Phone: (304) 351-2867
Contact Cindy